Almado Doko

Al was born in Albania before his parents immigrated to the United State, looking to give their family a better future. Growing up, his parents instilled in him the importance of kindness and helping others. Al thrived in academia and spent most of his life studying to be a doctor. Studying neuroscience at University of Michigan, he realized that while the sciences were interesting, he wasn’t finding the purpose he was looking for. After dipping his toes into social work and corporate offices, he found what he was looking for in the legal field.

At the Oliver Bell Group Al has been able to put his background in the sciences to use by coordinating with experts on medical malpractice cases as well as assisting attorneys with scientific research on cases. He has been able to make some difference in people’s lives through working these cases and helping clients find reparation for the suffering they’ve had to go through. Al wants to continue to expand his knowledge of the legal field and do his part making the world even just a little more kind for everyone.

Grant Gabriel

Grant was raised in Southfield, Michigan. Growing up in a tight-knit family, he was taught the importance of people and of relationships. This in turn developed into an interest in the humanities and matured into a passion for working with people through law. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science from the illustrious Oakwood University, where the school motto was “Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve”. Grant has learned to carry this motto with him into every professional setting he has entered since.

He believes the Oliver Bell Group provides him with the perfect structure to put this motto into practice as he’s presented with opportunities to learn from seasoned attorneys and serve clients every day. He’s worn many hats in his relatively young career, but his passion for people has remained constant. Regardless of if he is working as a day-camp counselor, community organizer, legal assistant, session guitarist or case manager, Grant has ensured, and will continue to ensure, that those under his purview are treated with dignity and respect and that their cases are handled with the utmost diligence. He plans on using his time at the Oliver Bell Group amongst the best and brightest attorneys and staff to propel his own career in law as he studies for the LSAT and prepares for law school in the Fall of 2024. 

Taylour Patterson

Taylour grew up in a family where fighting for every individual’s civil and human rights was and continues to be extremely important. Growing up, there was never a moment where she was not helping serve the community of her hometown, Saginaw, Michigan. Through attending town halls, school boards, union meetings, and night school with her mother, she learned quickly of the inequalities and human rights violations people endure every day. This sparked her interest in the legal and political fields, which she pursued as she went on to further her education.

Taylour attended Oakland University where she completed her bachelor’s degree in International Relations. In this field, she learned the theories and behaviors of countries, states, and institutions (private, state, nongovernmental, and intergovernmental). Grasping this understanding, she knew that she wanted to connect these teachings to the real world, and help individuals through more than her community service. She decided to continue her education at Oakland University, completing the American Bar Association (ABA) approved Paralegal Program. This gave her the preparation and understanding on the innerworkings of legal practices. Attorneys from her program introduced her to different legal practices; knowledge she now uses in her work at the Oliver Bell Group. Taylour is looking to gain as much experience as possible to continue her career in the legal field, and make a difference for individuals who need a helping hand.

Tayah Stephens

Tayah is a recent graduate from Michigan State University with a degree in Political Science Pre-Law. Before working at the Oliver Bell Group, she interned at Senator Gary Peters Office during the summer of 2022. She quickly learned from her experience that she wanted to personally connect with individuals and help them with their legal issues. From an early age she has always been interested in the way that people think and what motivates them.

Upon applying to college, she realized that political science would allow her to engage in and explore these things. She then decided to take a few law classes since she was already on a pre-law track. During those law classes she found that the study of the law was extremely interesting to her. She gained a passion for wanting to help people when it came to civil and criminal law.

Tayah also joined the Black Undergraduate Law Association. Joining this organization allowed her to explore her passion even more. She was able to gain a better understanding of the legal world and connect with people in the professional field. Although she already had a passion for law, working for Oliver Bell Group has reinforced any doubts that she may have had about pursuing law as her career. The most rewarding part of her day is being able to see how passionate the other lawyers in the office are. Tayah’s plan is to start studying this summer for the LSAT and apply to law school before the end of the year for the 2024 Fall term.