Holding Businesses Accountable for Defective Products & Negligent Practices

As a consumer, you have a right to expect that the products you use are safe and work as advertised. Unfortunately, many companies fail to put adequate quality controls into place, or even outright lie about their products. To hold those businesses accountable for the consequences of their action or inaction, you’ll need the help of a skilled product liability lawyer.

The corporation that caused your injury or the death of your loved one often only cares about the bottom line. That’s why businesses and their insurance companies aggressively fight product defect claims – they want to make your case go away. Our defective product lawyers will not let them.

Burned AC Power Plugs and Sockets

When you’re going through one of the most difficult times of your life and facing powerful interests, you will need an advocate on your side; one who cares and has what it takes to get you the results you need. Oliver Bell Group has extensive experience representing individuals, classes, and the community at large. We tackle product liability claims across the entire nation.

Were you injured by a hazardous product? We can help. Contact our team today.

Cases We Handle

Our legal team can thoroughly investigate the facts of your case and do whatever it takes to bring the manufacturer to justice.

Consumers have every right to expect their products to function safely, but too often, companies cut corners and engage in dangerous practices in the name of maximizing their profits. If you’ve been injured or suffered financial loss due to a faulty product, our Michigan-based product liability lawyers can advocate for you and help you fight back. Every year, thousands of people are injured due to products that did not work as intended due to shoddy manufacturing or poor quality control.

  • Automobiles
  • Building materials
  • Consumables
  • Cosmetics
  • Electronics

When companies fail to provide safe merchandise or clearly spell out the safety risks associated with their products, injuries happen – and injured parties have the right to compensation. Our attorneys will do what it takes to hold those negligent companies accountable and get you the compensation you deserve.

Class Actions

Even with the FDA’s oversight of pharmaceutical manufacturers, it is quite common for bad drugs to reach the market and cause serious harm to patients. This is even more common in the supplement industry, which is largely unregulated. Medical equipment, too, is a common source of injuries, some of them serious or life-threatening.

Litigating product liability claims involving medications or medical devices is a complex and specialized area of law, and the corporations involved have great resources at their disposal to make their own case. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a faulty medical product, you’ll need an experienced defective product lawyer from our firm to recover damages on your behalf.

Mass Torts

Much like a class action, a mass tort is a lawsuit in which a large number of plaintiffs file suit together against one or a few corporate defendants.

  • Manufacturing defects: Issues in the manufacturing process that arise from poor workmanship or low-quality materials
  • Design defects: Cases where the product is inherently dangerous or useless even when properly manufactured
  • Failure-to-warn defects: Cases where a product contains non-obvious dangers that carry an injury risk, which could have been mitigated through warnings to the user

Mass torts are potentially “game-changing” cases in that, in addition to recovering significant damages for injured parties, they can force significant industry reforms to prevent future injuries from occurring. Attorneys of Oliver Bell have extensive experience handling precisely these kinds of cases.

Call or message us for a free consultation with the Oliver Bell Group’s product liability lawyers, representing cases nationwide.